www.yourlifestyleportal.co.uk - Your Lifestyle Portal
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Your Local Community - Get Involved

Together we are a whole lot smarter and much more powerful than any one person can ever be ...

When we came up with the idea of Your Lifestyle Portal (formally My Mobility Hub), one of the main things we wanted to achieve was a website with a family feel - a community. A place where individuals and organisations could come together to offer advice and help each other through a variety of means. A place where stories are shared and voices are heard, in a way that makes our visitors feel they can turn to other members and understand they are not alone. A place where our members can feel good knowing they have helped others with their guidance, advice and humour when it's needed.

The Wisdom of The Crowd* - Now when we say community, help and guidance, we mean anything at all - ANYTHING!

From recipes to good days out, life hacks or funny stories, we all like to read and take hope and inspiration from others.

It's Your Community - How can you get involved?

1. Join The Discussion -Throughout our website you will find many articles, videos, blogs and stories. At the end of each of these is a comments section (shown opposite) where you can 'join the discussion'. You can post your experiences, views and opinions or ask questions to the author of the post and discuss with others who are interested in this particular topic. It's easy to do, simply login with your Facebook or Twitter account or email and password and you can now comment on any of the content on our site.

2. Submit Articles -Many of our visitors arrive at our site to read helpful articles from others on a variety of topics or posts that offer guidance on products or services. Why not become one of the 'voices' that provides the kind of information that helps these people on a regular basis. With the above mentioned 'join the discussion' at the end of each of your articles, you will soon be making friendships along the way.

3. Your Own Blog on Your Lifestyle Portal -How about your very own space on our website to write your own blog. No fees ever! With your blog you can write about anything. Stories, recipes, life experiences, pet hates, places you've visited etc. The list is only limited by your imagination.
To set up your blog, just drop us an email through our Contact Form and we'll get you started within 24 hours