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Posted by R82 UK on 11/05/2016

How the Mustang Walking Aid is Helping Beth, With Cerebral Palsy, Overcome An Adaptive Walking Pattern

Frances George, Specialist Physiotherapist, MSc, BSc, HPC, MCSP, talks us through Beth's case study and her walking progress with the Mustang walking aid. 

The Mustang is a walking aid for disabled children and youngsters, who need supplementary assistance with their daily walking.

The Mustang provides excellent and snug support for the upper body whilst also keeping the child’s pelvis gently supported. The upright, slightly forward leaning position stimulates the walking function and encourages the child to participate in daily activities.

The Mustang can be used by children with Cerebral Palsy and others with lack of balance and impairment of their motor function. The Mustang is developed as a basic anterior walker but can also be used as a posterior gait trainer, depending on the child’s level of ability.

The Mustang is available in four sizes and suitable for children and young people. More details here

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