People switch their pets to a raw diet for a variety of reasons - perhaps you are looking for a healthier diet for your pet, or perhaps your pet is suffering from digestive or skin problems and a raw diet has been recommended.
If you are considering feeding a raw food diet to your dog, you should keep in mind what a dog would eat before they became domesticated. Really, any kind of meat can be used but shy away from rich meat and offal such as Liver, heart and lungs. Eggs can also prove to be too rich until your dog becomes accustomed to a raw diet.
With that in mind, what exactly do you feed a dog when starting a raw diet? Chicken is a favorite meat because it is not so rich and readily available. Feed whole carcasses, dogs can easily digest raw chicken bones. Turkey is also a good starter meat.
Any kind of meat can be used once your dog has adapted to a raw diet and it is not showing any signs of an upset stomach. In addition to the above, you’ll also want to feed beef, lamb, pork, also various organs such as liver, kidney, tripe, and heart.
Dr. Ian Billinghurst, a pioneer in feeding raw food to dogs, recommends that people following a BARF (biologically appropriate raw food or bones and raw food) diet feed about 60 percent raw meaty bones (RMB) and 40 percent vegetables and other food, eggs, organs, etc.
It’s also very important to feed bone along with the meat. Don’t make the mistake of only feeding your dog meat with no bone. However only if they are Raw! Cooked bones have low moisture and can easily split or cause choking. Raw bones are rich in moisture, softer, more flexible and very easily digested in the low ph of a dog’s stomach acid. Feeding raw bones up to 2-3 times a week to promote dental hygiene and provide a naturally satisfying chew session for your pet.
• Don't cut or saw bones
• Don't feed bones with small children present
• Don't leave a dog un-attended with a bone
• Don't feed cooked bones
It is important to try to feed your dog a variety of meats and other ingredients, so they get all the amino acids and vitamins and minerals they need from a raw diet, so be sure to buy different meats fish and use vegetables when you can.
In addition to raw meat and bones which should make up about 60 percent of your dog’s raw diet, you will need to provide raw vegetables for your dog. Break them down before feeding, you can do this by using a food processor, blender. A dog can’t digest vegetables while the cellulose in them is still intact.
The ideal amount to feed is normally about 2 percent of your dog’s total body weight daily. For example, a 50lb dog would require about 1lb (0.45kg) of raw food per day.
Please note that just like us, no two dogs are the same, so you may find you need to adjust the amount depending on your pet’s activity levels and metabolism.
Always aim for gradual weight loss or gain. Seek advice from your vet if you are uncertain when deciding on the ideal weight for your pet.