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Posted By 4PAWSRAW on 20/02/2019

Pets and Humanisation Trends

Pets and Humanisation Trends



For many pet owners, their pets are part of the family. It is no surprise that the humanisation of pets has spilled over into the pet food industry. 

In recent years we have seen a shift in the diets of pets to natural and premium. Humanisation trends are driving the natural and premium food category in new directions, with owners beliefs that their pet’s eating habits should mirror their own concept of a clean eating diet. 

Salmon and Fish Premiumisation

Salmon is seen as a premium fish and as such will give your pet a premium food. Rich in Omega-3, DHA, EPA, Protein and B Vitamins it offers great support for everyday health and well-being. According to the Scottish Financial News, Salmon is the UK’s number one food export. It is naturally rich in Omega- 3 essential fatty acids which have anti- inflammatory properties and provide support for skin and coat condition.

Here at Pet Market Direct we recognise that Salmon is a fantastic source of protein. That is why we have a variety of salmon recipes plus salmon supplements, such as Salmon Oil for Cats & Dogs

Produced in accordance with quality assured methods for food grade products our fish range of food and supplements provide a noticeable difference, which includes a finer coat and healthier skin. Dogs and cats love the FISH MENU


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