16th August 2018. Royal Armouries Museum, Royal Armouries, Armouries Drive, Leeds. LS10 1LT. Stand B22. Free entry and parking.
The Rise 4 Disability regional exhibitions provide opportunities for parents, healthcare professionals and disabled individuals to view the latest products and services from leading assistive equipment suppliers.
Presented by respected Occupational Therapist Kate Sheehan, the newAbacusassisted bathing courses focus on ‘A client-centred approach to bathing’ and ‘Bathing as part of 24-hour postural management’. These rewarding and engaging training sessions are arranged across the UK and provide vital information for OTs, Moving and Handling Practitioners and Physiotherapists. They are free to attend however due to popularity availability is limited so Rise 4 Disability provides the ideal opportunity to book a slot on a forthcoming event. Visitors will also be able to access information regarding Abacus‘Lunch and Learn’workshops which provide a greater focus on moving and handling techniques and equipment provision. Friendly and experienced Abacus Product Specialists will be available to explain further on stand B22.
In terms of products at Rise 4 Disability, Abacus will be demonstrating the height-adjustableGemini bath with its unique ‘double lift action’ and integrated changing, drying and bathing platform. Visitors will be able to see first-hand how the Gemini provides safer working heights for carers and enhances comfort, safety and dignity for bathers. Individual client bathing needs can be discussed on a one-to-one basis and free educational advice guides and case studies will be available.
The chance to win a cuddly toy version of theAbacuscompany mascot, Trevor the Turtle, will also be available atRise 4 Disability North– both for younger visitors and professionals who wish to nominate a paediatric client.Read More...