We have made finding and booking disabled friendly hotels easier
When it comes to finding the right accessible hotels, we have you covered with our Disabled Friendly Hotels search.
With over 2 million deals available, we search across all major travel and hotel sites at once to find you the best price possible while saving you time. It's really easy to use to find the hotel of your choice.
Simply select where you want to go, choose dates (or tick box that says 'no specific dates', tell the search how many adults and children and click search. That's all there is to it. We will now search through multiple sites at once to find what you need at the right price.
Once hotels are displayed, you can filter results on the left hand side under 'FEATURES' by checking the 'Disabled Access' box. Search results will now only show suitable hotels.
We are adding accommodation providers directly to our site but this will take time, this is why we decided to bring this search facility to our readers now.
If you offer disabled friendly accommodation,JOIN US todaywith a FREE listing on My Mobility Hub, we'd be happy to upgrade you to our Fully Loaded Premium Trial for 3 months with no obligation.
As always, if you would like to see any features on My Mobility Hub that we haven't already covered or if you think we could improve things, please CONTACT US so we can help.
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