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Posted by Theraposture on 17/01/2017

Avoid or reduce expensive care costs & live at home independently

Avoid or reduce expensive care costs & live at home independently

This video shows you how a Rotoflex bed can help you to stay at home and potentially save care costs.

This product can help get you in and out of bed. It is particularly good for those who are unsteady on their feet, ie people with MS and Parkinson's, as it does not tip the user forward. Instead it has a vertical lift feature that lifts people to the upright position. This is a much more controlled way for getting out of bed.

The Rotoflex bed allows you to get in and out of bed on your own terms. 

The cost savings can be massive too. If you think about the cost of care, which could be two carers twice a day, or even just one carer, by reducing any or all of this care the savings can be huge and they are ongoing.

Why don't you try one. We'll bring a bed out and you can see for yourself.

Call Theraposture on 0800 834654 http://www.theraposture.co.uk/beds/rotoflex

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